Run 10K at the Airport and Not Just to Catch Your Flight

Check out Laura Flippin's latest blog post:

I travel a lot, both for work and personally, and, as a result I am pretty sanguine about the realities of modern travel, especially those involving airports.  While I have frequent flier status on a number of airlines, and work hard to keep and earn those miles (hat tip to my favorite website on this topic), I also view airplane travel as transactional.  The goal is to get to the airport, not spend too much down time there, and hope that your flight takes off on time.  I’ve certainly hiked my share of miles traversing some long corridors between terminals (I won’t miss you, Heathrow terminal 1 and the United gates at the very end of some very lengthy passages).  But I’ve never been inspired to jump on a treadmill or a bike between flights.

The trend is for airports to provide gym and workout facilities for travelers, however, as evidenced by this recent article about the latest offering at the Philadelphia airport.  In all honesty, I can’t say I would use this amenity.  Travel is hard enough some days without working up a sweat and realizing as you settle into Economy Row 36E, the middle seat, that you really didn’t stretch enough after your workout on the go.  Don’t get me wrong – I support efforts to provide healthy options for the flying crowd.  Your travel shouldn’t be an excuse to kick back with blooming onions and nachos with a side of double Scotch just because you’re irked with how the airlines treat you or just plain exhausted.  But the thought of doing downward dog or child pose amidst the sturm and drang of road warrior breaks in the airport is not for me.  I think I’ll stick to the hotel gym where a hot shower awaits afterwards rather than a crowded 737.

from Wheels Up!


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