Bring on the Hand Sanitizer

Check out Laura Flippin's latest blog post:

As readers know, I believe an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  Traveling means trying to work overtime to keep healthy – recall my post about not touching the airline magazines in the seat pockets? – and sometimes no matter how hard you work at it, you are at the mercy of germs.

With Ebola and other diseases in the news, the Wall Street Journal recently examined the truth behind how often (and how effectively) the airlines actually clean their planes.  Check out the article at:

As a frequent United flier, I’m comforted to know that, according to this article, United planes get a deep cleaning more often than do American and Delta planes, but it’s still a little creepy to think about what might be crawling around while you are flying.

from Wheels Up!


The Godfather (1972)


The Roller Coaster